Saturday, March 31, 2012

WrestleMania 28 Preview

Oh My God, It's finally here.

I can honestly say I haven't been this excited for a WrestleMania since WM25. The build up has been very well executed and the line up is top notch. so lets get right into it with the predictions.

The Triple Threat Tag Team Championship Match is an add on, there's no real story line building up to it, but having said that, The Usos have been work horses and I think it's about time they get some gold.

The Divas Match for the show is nothing more then an opportunity for some cross promotion as Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos take on Beth Phoenix and Eve. If there has been a story building this match up, I'm not aware of it, mostly because I do fast forward every time a Divas Match is on Raw or Smackdown. This is another missed opportunity for a great match and should have been Beth Phoenix vs Natalya for the Divas Championship. As ridiculous as it sounds, KELLY KELLY & MARIA MENOUNOS via PIN (most likely with Maria pinning Beth.

Randy Orton vs Kane is another match that seems to have fallen victim to them spending so much time on the other matches. I have no doubt this will be a solid match as both performers are very well versed in the ring, it's just at this point it's one of the more forgettable matches on the card, and in my opinion a waste of Orton's talent. RANDY ORTON via PIN.

The whole Team Teddy vs Team Johnny situation really bums me out, because I don't want either of these guys running both shows. Teddy Long hasn't done anything of note since he became the GM of Smackdown and John Laurinaitis has an actual vacuum of charisma. If I'm making my picks biased solely on the teams then Team Johnny blows Team Teddy out of the water, with Dolph, Swagger, The Miz, and Drew McIntire. Again, it feels kind of like a waste of Dolph and The Miz, they could have been having more memorable singles matches, but it is what it is. TEAM JOHNNY

The Intercontinental Championship is on the line as Cody Rhodes takes on The Big Show. At last years Wrestlemania, Cody had one of the best matches of the night with Rey Mysterio, and I fully expect he and Big Show to have a great match this year. Cody is currently the 9th longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time (just 7 days away from beating Shelton Benjamin's 244 day long reign) and I don't see them taking the title off him till the summer when they push him up to Main Event/ World Champion.

Sheamus was a surprise win at the Royal Rumble in my eyes, but it showed that WWE hadn't lost faith in him. After almost two years without holding a championship Sheamus got into the ring, day in and day out and did what he does best, have great matches and win. Daniel Bryan has been a great World Champion, and I like the slow burn heel turn he made, but as of late it seems that a first time champion holds the belt for a few months, drops it and gets dropped into near obscurity (Jericho in '02, Swagger, The Miz) Bryan will lose the belt, but he has the talent to not let the suits forget who he is, and he will be a champion again before the end of the year. SHEAMUS via PIN.

Now for the Main Event Matches I've really been looking forward to.

When Jericho came back on the first Raw of 2012 I hoped and preyed that if Punk/Austin didn't happen this year, they would book Punk/Jericho. It's such an obvious choice for a surefire Match of the Year candidate. Both men are unmatched on the mic as well in in the ring and this one promises to be the best wrestling  match since Savage/Steamboat at WM 3. I have been a little disappointed with the build up, both men are amazing on the mic, they should have just given them both a mic and let them go, but for the last several weeks they have been moving the story forward by having Jericho address Punk via the TitanTron. As for the outcome, that's tough. Fozzy's European Summer Tour got canceled, and with that Jericho will now be more involved with the WWE and helping to push the talent. I still think Punk will retain the title, as much as I would love to see Jericho get the belt and become a 7 time champion. CM PUNK via SUBMISSION

What is there to say about the Undertaker's undefeated streak that hasn't been said a thousand times by a thousand different people. Myself I predicted the end of the streak only once, at WM24 against WWE's Golden Boy Edge. I was wrong then, and I haven't gone against the Undertaker since (even though I really wanted HBK to win both times). Triple H/Taker 3 will be the most brutal match of the night, but I still think Taker will pull out a win. I've heard rumors that this will be his last Wrestlemania, but not his last match, and while I don't know if this is true, or even if it's Taker they're talking about, it would make sense. Plus 20-0 is a nice even number for my OCD. UNDERTAKER via PIN

Once in a Lifetime, or more likely three times in the next year if the rumors are true, Rock vs Cena is Icon vs Icon, with both men in their prime. The Rock didn't even look this ripped when he was wrestling full time I'm not a fan of Cena. He has talent, as you can see by the number of great matches he's been a part of. I don't like his character. I hate Cena the rapper, I hate the stupid smile that never goes away. I hate that he's ok with us not liking him. That is why the Rock needs the mop the floor with him. THE ROCK via PIN.

To wrap things up I've got Amanda's picks for the show:

Remember to reply to this post with your predictions for a chance to win an awesome prize at the end of the year, and check back here Sunday night for all the Wrestlemania results.