Sunday, May 20, 2012

Over The Limit Results

The third installment in the Over The Limit PPV proves to be a memorable night, not for the best reasons, but memorable none-the-less. 

We start with the Pre-Show:
Kane def Zack Ryder
Called It (but who didn't, really). This wasn't much of a match, the pre show matches haven't been great, but just manage to kill some time, this one not so much as it only lasted 10 minutes at the most. As before, I won't count the score of this match against the score of Over The Limit the PPV (not that that is going to help it much). 

People's Power Battle Royal to determine who will fight for either the IC or US Championship later tonight.
Christian wins Battle Royal
5/10 Not a bad start, actually a clever start to the show since this match began before the opening promo. Tyson Kidd actually impressed as on of the Final Four, but the returning Christian takes the win from The Miz.

Kofi & Truth def Zig-Swag to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship
5.5/10 Really the only thing keeping the score up this high, was just a reminder of how natural Ziggler looks in the ring. Don't get me wrong, Sawgger looked great, and Zig-Swag dominated the middle of the match, Kofi and Truth won because of a few high spots, like it always happens, but seeing Ziggler go to work on Truth in the middle of the ring, reminded me of why I love watching him in ring. Every night that's he's not in the main event is a true shame. 

Layla def Beth Phoenix to retain the Divas Championship
4/10 Oh man, what this match could have been. I was this close to awarding it a 6/10, then Layla started countering and fucking up all her moves. Watching Beth dissect a person is a great pleasure, she picked Layla apart limb by limb, then Layla starts fucking up counters and wins the match, it's just a shame.

Fatal 4 Way for the World Heavyweight Championship
Sheamus retains.
7/10 All four men in this match have tremendous talent, and all the styles clashed well together. Unlike most Fatal 4 Way and Triple Threat matches, this had, for the most part, three men in the ring, and it all worked very well. What resulted was an exciting match with amazing execution.

Brodus Clay def The Miz
4/10 I'm sorry, but again, I called it. The Miz put up a fight, but Brodus remains undefeated.  Once again Brodus claims the low point of the show, this time in the form of The Miz trying to out-dance Clay, it's just sad for everyone who has ever backed The Miz that it has come to this. 

Christian def Cody Rhodes to Win the IC Title
6.5/10 Man, I came close to calling this one, I predicted an unscheduled match between a returning Sin Cara defeating Rhodes for the title and we got an unscheduled match in which a returning Christain defeated Rhodes for the title. So close. I really like the pairing of these two, they work great together and had a tremendous match. I also LOVED Rhodes' Moonsault from the top rope, it reminded me of the first time Kurt Angle did that move, except without the broken arm.Just for funsies I thought I would bust out a picture of Rhodes almost 5 years ago when he debuted in the WWE with Hardcore Holly.
And a resent picture of him. 
Wow what a change. With the IC title off his waist, look for big things from Rhodes in the near future. (I know I've been saying that for a while, but the kid is due, he hasn't had a band match in forever, he's over like crazy, he can talk, he can fight. there is nothing Rhodes can't do right now. 

CM Punk def Daniel Bryan to retain the WWE Championship
9/10 This was the 5 Star match we were promised, it lived up to the hype in every way.Bot men have a tendency to bust out normally unseen moves and put their own variation on it, in this case Bryan put Punk in an amazing Mexican Surfboard and adjusted it to become spectacular and painful. I cannot wait for the rematch that you know will come after the ending of this one.

Ryback def Camacho
3/10  This was rather entertaining for a squash match, but again, I still have no idea whether I should love or hate Ryback, since he's done nothing but squash guys. He still has no personality, (just like when he was Skip Sheffeild) And what a crappy way for an in ring debut for Camacho. 

Big Johnny def John Cena
5/10 Again, you can see that I got so bored with John Laurnatis's last name, I'm just going to call him Big Johnny. First off, let me state that this should have never been considered for the main event of the show. They should have had this before the WWE Championship and ended the show on a high note. This was just a gloried way for the Big Show to turn heel, which has been done in matches in the past, but usually it's a midcard match. One high note I will give this "match" it was actually pretty funny. When Cena does commentary with Big Johnny as both Cole and Booker T, I laughed (I'll get to the commentary in a minute) All in all this was a waste of 20 minutes, 

6.13 Sadly enough this ranks third in the PPV's of the year, although I would recommend it last. The matches that were actual matches were really good, but it ended on such a low note, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. 

I'd like to talk for a second about another thing that really bugged me during the show, and has bugged me for a while now. The Commentary is just plain horrible. It used to be great, when it was JR. and The King, they had the perfect blend of play by play and color. Now, with Cole, King and Booker T, they have a play-by-play guy who keeps taking shots at everyone, commentators and talent alike in Cole, a color guy who is face, and doesn't have anything bad to say about the anyone execpt Cole in King and a color guy who you can't understand because he's making up words as he goes along in Booker T. Cole and King work decently alone on Raw, but when you add in Booker T on the PPV's, Cole spends most of his time ragging on Booker T, and he's right to do so, because Booker T is just a mess on commentary. Another reason Cole doesn't quite know his place is on Smackdown there is another play-by play buy in Josh Mathews, which along with Booker T and Cole, I don't know what's going on half the time on that show, but they need to sort it all out. 

Over The Limit Preview

Joe Vampire is in the bag (until an actor needs a line rewritten anyway), so I'll run down my picks for tonight's PPV real fast for you.

Kane vs Zack Ryder
This is the preshow match, so tune in to Youtube, facebook, or @ 7:30 to watch it for free, even if you aren't getting the PPV. Ryder has a lot of anger towards Kane, but I don't see him being able to over come  him in an actual match. Kane via Pin.

Layla vs Beth Phoenix Divas Championship
I know there is some kind of story going on, I see then talking and looking angry at each other as a fast forward to a part of Raw I'll actually care about. This is Lalya's first PPV defense so I'll go with her. Layla via Pin.

Kofi & Truth vs Zig-Swag Tag Team Championship
As much as I love Ziggler and Swagger individually, I think they make a great tag team. But I don't know if I see them winning the tag titles. Even though they haven't done much with Ziggler despite his great main event showing at the Royal Rumble, I still think he's going to get a decent push in the next few months. Although, winning the Tag titles would be a nice mid sized push while the main event picture gets sorted out, but I don't see them taking the tag titles off Kofi and Truth so soon. I'm just going to stick with Kofi and Truth and hope I'm wrong.

With only 5 matches on the card, I'm betting on seeing a few unannounced matches, here's what I think we'll see.

Brodus Clay vs The Miz. Brodus, for some reason has been unstoppable, and The Miz, for some reason has barely been on TV. I expect The Miz to put up a fight, but ultimately lose. Brodus Clay via Pin.

Cody Rhodes vs Mystery Opponent. I was going to say Rhodes vs Big Show, but then I remembered he got fired. So I think Rhodes will come out, talking trash, calling out anyone and who will come out to challenge him? Sin Cara! If it's for the IC title then I think Sin Cara will probably win, if it's not he will definitely win. Sin Cara FTW.

Fatal 4 Way for the World Heavyweight Championship
I'm a fan of everyone involved, so it's hard to pick a winner, but when it comes down to it, I think I'll have to go with Sheamus, This is his first title defense, even though it's a huge challenge, I think he'll pull it off. Sheamus to retain.

D Bryan vs CM Punk WWE Championship
What amazing matches these two have had, both with other people and with each other, these last few months. This imo is a match of the year contender. Punk has had quite a title reign and I don't see it coming to an end just yet. Punk to retain.

John Cena vs Big Johnny
John L is so boring, I lost interest in trying to spell his last name, hence the Big Johnny. Why he is main-eventing this show is beyond me. And where are all the guys who were complaining about The Rock main-eventing Wrestlemania? The fact that JL is in the main event of anything bigger then a carnival sideshow is a slap in the face to every wrestler who's ever laced up their boots and busted their ass to get to the top of this industry, only to play second fiddle to this void of talent and charisma. He is still a better GM then Teddy Long though. The whole situation leading up to him becoming the GM of both Raw and Smackdown all started after Wade Barrett got injured right before WM, where he was going to win a MITB match. They had a bunch of guys with nothing to do now, so they came up with this ridiculous story line, gave the position to Big Johnny, and now they need an out, which is why Johnny will be fired after he losses tonight. John Cena to kick Big Johnny's ass.

Don't forget to put your picks in the comments, I haven't tallied the votes in a while, but I think it's still a pretty close  race for 1st.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Extreme Rules 12 Review

First off , I would like to apologize for posting this so late in the day, my internet has been giving me grief this whole weekend, and by the time I went to bed last night at 3am, I hadn't even finished watching the show. I also noticed that my WrestleMania 28 Review didn't post, so I will be redoing that this week. Now, onto the good stuff.

In the past the PPV after WrestleMania generally has a low buy rate, even though they have mostly been great shows, WWE tries to counter this trend by making all the matches gimmick matches, hence Extreme Rules. They also tried to counter it with the return of a huge name draw Brock Lesnar. We will see if this paid off in a few weeks when the buy rate comes in, but it was a success in the quality of matches.

Santino def The Miz to retain the United State Championship
This was the Pre Show, that aired on Youtube, and facebook, and it was the first time the US Championship has been defended on a Pre Show, which kind of shows you where the title ranks in the WWE right now, if Dolph Ziggler was still champion the title defense would have happened during the show. It was a perfectly fine match, there where no slip ups to note, and it had a nice flow, I'm not going to rate it, because it wasn't part of the show, but if you didn't see it, you didn't miss anything.

Randy Orton def Kane in a Falls Count Anywhere Match
5.5/10 Based on the match they had at Wrestlemania, i was kind of expecting more from this match, but there wasn't really anything new or unique displayed, they basically fought in the ring, then went out of the ring, through the crowd, hitting each other, went to the back, threw each other into some backstage equipment, came back to the ring and ended the match. If I've seen one match like that, you've seen a thousand,  it was a wasted opportunity

Brodus Clay def Dolph Ziggler
5/10 This would be, what I consider, Brodus's first real match. He's been squashing guys left and right since his semi regular return, and this was the first time somebody actually gave him a fight. That being said, there wasn't a whole lot else going on, it was still a very short, standard issue match. The highlight of the match for me was the Chicago crowd chanting "Let's Go Ziggler!"

Cody Rhodes def The Big Show to win the Intercontinental Championship in a Tables Match
6.5/10 Going in, Cody is at even more of a disadvantage then normal since the idea of how does he get the Big Show through a tables rings loud and clear, the announcers might have mentioned that once or a thousand times. The finish was really quite clever and unexpected, Cody drop kicks Big Show while Show is on the edge of the ring, he steps backwards onto a set up table which breaks under his weight and Cody wins the match.

Sheamus def Daniel Bryan to retain the World Heavyweight Championship in a 2 out of # Falls Match
9/10 Yeah, it's that good. This match was the best match of the night, and it alone is worth the price of the DVD. It's the best 2 out of 3 Falls match I've seen since the 3 Stages of Hell match at No Way Out 2001. That's all I'm going to say about it. Watch It!

Ryback def 2 Jobbers
3/10 I don't know why they needed to show this match on a PPV, if they were running short of time, they should have put the US Championship match on the show, maybe even put a silly stipulation on it. At least with his squash match they tried to inject a bit of humor, they failed but at least they tried. I don't know if Ryback is supposed to be heel or face, because he's only squashed jobbers since his return (he was Skip Sheffeild of the Nexus) but he's now the third person who's only having squash matches right now, along with Brodus and Albert, I mean Lord Tensai. Do we really need three of these going on at the same time, when there is legit talent waiting to be called up from FCW? Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins are ready to go and show be debuting very soon.

CM Punk def Chris Jericho to retain the WWE Championship in a Chicago Street Fight
7.5/10 A far departure from their wrestling classic at Wrestlemania this was an intense fight between two guys with a deep feud. The story building up to it was deeply personal and the match reflected it. Another can't miss match.

Layla def Nikki Bella to win the Divas Championship
2.5/10 Did you know Layla was gone? Cuz I didn't. The announcers seemed WAY more surprised by her return then the crowd did, it was hilarious. As soon as the Bellas came out and said that the crowd should get used to seeing them with the title, because they're going to be holding it for a long, long time, you know their title reign is about to end  This match was sloppy, but thankfully short, lasting only 3 minutes.

John Cena def Brock Lesnar in an Extreme Rules Match
7/10 If you've ever wanted to see John Cena get the crap kicked out of him, and I know you have, you should check out this match. Cena takes a BEATING from the moment the bell rings, getting busted open within the first minute. Brock doesn't really display any of the wrestling moves which lead him to a record of 106-5 in college, applying only one move, a Kimura Armbar. Cena really only hit three moves, a slam onto the steel steps to get out of the armbar, a punch to the face with a steel chain wrapped around his fist and an FU onto the steel steps for the win.

5.75/10 All in all it was a really good show, it lived up to the name of Extreme Rules, and will make a welcome addition to my extensive wrestling collection.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Extreme Rules Preview

I apologize for the lateness of this post, and the short duration of it ahead of time, I've got a tight deadline on my next script, and most of my free time has been devoted to that project. Speaking of other projects Housewife Slasher Blu Rays are available at so go pick one up today. Now that the shameless plugging is complete let's look at the card for Sunday's PPV.

Diva's Championship Match
I honestly didn't know which of the Bella Twins had won the championship until I looked to see who was defending it just now. If the WWE was run on who deserved the title, then I would say Beth would regain the championship this Sunday, but it is not, so I'm picking Nikki, no wait, Brie, no I was right, Nikki Bella to win.

US Championship
Let's be honest, I'm a mark for The Miz, but for some reason Santino has been on fire with the WWE. I don't get it, but I'm going to go with it, as much as I want to pick Miz; Santino retains US Championship.

IC Championship
I was surprised by The Big Show's win at WM, aside from his back to back Tag Team Championships with Jerishow and ShowMiz, he hasn't held a title in a long time, (of course there was the World Heavyweight Championship but that wasn't a real championship, let's be honest). As with The Miz, I love everything Cody Rhodes is doing, I really hope that Goldust get's to have his final match with his brother at a PPV, but I don't see them taking the title off Big Show, or keeping Rhodes down at that level. As I said before I expect Rhodes to be World Champion by the Summer, and going back to the IC Championship would postpone that, so Big Show to retain the IC Championship.

Randy Orton vs Kane Falls Count Anywhere
Kane's WM win was a surprise, now they need to get Orton back on top, with a win in a FCA match, it will unleash the anger he has over Kane's attack on his father, and get him back to where he needs to be. Orton def Kane.

WWE Championship
I really like where this feud has gone, and i hope there is no end in sight. Jericho and Punk work great together and, while I would like to see them continue to show there technical proficiency, a Street Fight would reflect there feud better, I'm super psyched. CM Punk to retain the WWE Championship.

World Heavyweight Championship
I was among the thousands of fans who were upset by the less then stellar match Sheamus and D Bryan had at WM. I have since learned that WWE had nothing against D Bryan, the squash was only used to kick WM28 off with a surprise and a bang. Now is when they will have the match everyone expected them to have at WM, so look for this to be the match of the night. I still think Sheamus is going to retain, Bryan will get the title back in a few months, but Sheamus has worked his ass off to get back to the top, and he's going to stay there for a while. Sheamus to retain.

Cena vs Lesnar
What can I say about this match that hasn't been replayed a thousand times during Raw and Smackdown. Lesnar's 'demands' at the end of Raw on Monday were just a really sad attempt to make people dislike him, and it really made him look bad, because he's not a talker, nor has he ever been, so watching him fumble through line after line, was just painful to watch. I loved seeing Edge come out and talk to Cena at the start of the show, and I assume Cena coming out with the heavy chain means he's back to his old self, even though he didn't really change anything, he just brought out a chain, which I guess he was carrying with him, for some reason? Really doesn't make a whole lot of sense when you think about it, I mean did he pack the chain with him when he left his house for the show, like I'll bring this, just in case, you never know. Or did he find it back stage and just take it, in which case, is there a piece of heavy equipment that's just flopping around loose because Cena just took a chain he found, that could cause damage to countless people and cars on the road as they head to Chicago for Extreme Rules. I'm kidding of course. About the match, I think it makes a much more interesting story for Cena to start having a loosing streak, plus I don't by them bringing Lesnar back, only to have him loose to his first opponent, especially if (come on, it's on everybody's mind) Lesnar left the UFC after suffering two HUGE losses in a row, there's not way he's coming back to WWE with a loss right away. Lesnar Def Cena.

Wow, that was longer then I expected. as always post your predictions in the comments, hopefully I can find them now that Google has redesigned dashboard, idk. and also let me know if you want to Skype during the show, i had a blast during the last show, and would love to do it again. Peace.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

WrestleMania 28 Preview

Oh My God, It's finally here.

I can honestly say I haven't been this excited for a WrestleMania since WM25. The build up has been very well executed and the line up is top notch. so lets get right into it with the predictions.

The Triple Threat Tag Team Championship Match is an add on, there's no real story line building up to it, but having said that, The Usos have been work horses and I think it's about time they get some gold.

The Divas Match for the show is nothing more then an opportunity for some cross promotion as Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos take on Beth Phoenix and Eve. If there has been a story building this match up, I'm not aware of it, mostly because I do fast forward every time a Divas Match is on Raw or Smackdown. This is another missed opportunity for a great match and should have been Beth Phoenix vs Natalya for the Divas Championship. As ridiculous as it sounds, KELLY KELLY & MARIA MENOUNOS via PIN (most likely with Maria pinning Beth.

Randy Orton vs Kane is another match that seems to have fallen victim to them spending so much time on the other matches. I have no doubt this will be a solid match as both performers are very well versed in the ring, it's just at this point it's one of the more forgettable matches on the card, and in my opinion a waste of Orton's talent. RANDY ORTON via PIN.

The whole Team Teddy vs Team Johnny situation really bums me out, because I don't want either of these guys running both shows. Teddy Long hasn't done anything of note since he became the GM of Smackdown and John Laurinaitis has an actual vacuum of charisma. If I'm making my picks biased solely on the teams then Team Johnny blows Team Teddy out of the water, with Dolph, Swagger, The Miz, and Drew McIntire. Again, it feels kind of like a waste of Dolph and The Miz, they could have been having more memorable singles matches, but it is what it is. TEAM JOHNNY

The Intercontinental Championship is on the line as Cody Rhodes takes on The Big Show. At last years Wrestlemania, Cody had one of the best matches of the night with Rey Mysterio, and I fully expect he and Big Show to have a great match this year. Cody is currently the 9th longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time (just 7 days away from beating Shelton Benjamin's 244 day long reign) and I don't see them taking the title off him till the summer when they push him up to Main Event/ World Champion.

Sheamus was a surprise win at the Royal Rumble in my eyes, but it showed that WWE hadn't lost faith in him. After almost two years without holding a championship Sheamus got into the ring, day in and day out and did what he does best, have great matches and win. Daniel Bryan has been a great World Champion, and I like the slow burn heel turn he made, but as of late it seems that a first time champion holds the belt for a few months, drops it and gets dropped into near obscurity (Jericho in '02, Swagger, The Miz) Bryan will lose the belt, but he has the talent to not let the suits forget who he is, and he will be a champion again before the end of the year. SHEAMUS via PIN.

Now for the Main Event Matches I've really been looking forward to.

When Jericho came back on the first Raw of 2012 I hoped and preyed that if Punk/Austin didn't happen this year, they would book Punk/Jericho. It's such an obvious choice for a surefire Match of the Year candidate. Both men are unmatched on the mic as well in in the ring and this one promises to be the best wrestling  match since Savage/Steamboat at WM 3. I have been a little disappointed with the build up, both men are amazing on the mic, they should have just given them both a mic and let them go, but for the last several weeks they have been moving the story forward by having Jericho address Punk via the TitanTron. As for the outcome, that's tough. Fozzy's European Summer Tour got canceled, and with that Jericho will now be more involved with the WWE and helping to push the talent. I still think Punk will retain the title, as much as I would love to see Jericho get the belt and become a 7 time champion. CM PUNK via SUBMISSION

What is there to say about the Undertaker's undefeated streak that hasn't been said a thousand times by a thousand different people. Myself I predicted the end of the streak only once, at WM24 against WWE's Golden Boy Edge. I was wrong then, and I haven't gone against the Undertaker since (even though I really wanted HBK to win both times). Triple H/Taker 3 will be the most brutal match of the night, but I still think Taker will pull out a win. I've heard rumors that this will be his last Wrestlemania, but not his last match, and while I don't know if this is true, or even if it's Taker they're talking about, it would make sense. Plus 20-0 is a nice even number for my OCD. UNDERTAKER via PIN

Once in a Lifetime, or more likely three times in the next year if the rumors are true, Rock vs Cena is Icon vs Icon, with both men in their prime. The Rock didn't even look this ripped when he was wrestling full time I'm not a fan of Cena. He has talent, as you can see by the number of great matches he's been a part of. I don't like his character. I hate Cena the rapper, I hate the stupid smile that never goes away. I hate that he's ok with us not liking him. That is why the Rock needs the mop the floor with him. THE ROCK via PIN.

To wrap things up I've got Amanda's picks for the show:

Remember to reply to this post with your predictions for a chance to win an awesome prize at the end of the year, and check back here Sunday night for all the Wrestlemania results.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Elimination Chamber 2012 Review

We are one step closer to Wrestlemania 28 as the Elimination Chamber PPV blows through Milwaukee for a historic night filled with great moments, a few surprises and some pretty good matches.

CM Punk retains the WWE Championship in the Elimination Chamber
6.5/10 If you read my Elimination Chamber preview post you would know that this was the match I was most looking forward to heading into the event, I was surprised the put it on first, but it makes sense for what happened after the second chamber match. Having said all that, i was actually kind of disappointed by the match, there where a lot of slow moments in between the high spots that just kinda dragged along and the whole match has lacking an sense of urgency. The paced picked up towards the end when it cam down to Miz and Punk as the final two, they meshed really well together despite a small hiccup in the program earlier in the match. After elimination Kofi, Jericho received a kick to the head by Punk which knocked it out, out of the cage and out of the match which sets up a great story line for Jericho to say that Punk never beat him and there you have their match at WM.

Beth Phoenix def Tamina via Pin
5/10 This Divas match actually wasn't that bad. The hits looked good, nobody flubbed any moves, I actually believed it when Tamina came close to winning. To be perfectly honest, I've never actually seen Tamina wrestle, and while I won't say i was blown away, I thought she did a good job. The one thing that did erk me was that the announcers keep saying how much Tamina reminded them of her father, 'Superfly' Jimmy Snuka, the reason for this being that everything from her entrance to her finishing move is her fathers. When she enters the arena, she drops to one knee with her hands in the air, just like her dad, he finisher of course it the Superfly Splash, just like her dad, so of course she reminds you of him, because everything she does it a copy or homage to him.

Daniel Bryan retains the World Heavyweight Championship in the Elimination Chamber
8/10 I am happy to admit that I was wrong about the way this match shaped up, well, half wrong, Khali was worthless like I said he would be. For the majority of the match Santino did a great job as a punching bag, who knew he would end up in the final two? Big Show did good job as the monster, even coming after D Bryan while he was still in his pod. But the guys who really shinned were my top three. Barrett started the match and lasted nearly till the end and had a great showing. Cody Rhodes was at the top of his game landing two Beautiful Disaster kicks to Big Show while outside of the ring. And D Bryan looked great after getting beat down hard by Show.

Jack Swagger def Justin Gabriel via Pin
7.5/10 Here is your unannounced bonus match, and what a match it was. Even though it was short and sweet, it was a great match and really showed me that Swagger is back at the top of his game again. Justin Gabriel has so much potential, I can't wait to see how good he gets once he gets a few more years under his belt.

John Cena def Kane in an Ambulance Match
8/10 For only the second time in WWE history we have the brutal Ambulance Match where the only way to win is to load your opponent into the ambulance and have it drive away. The story between these two has been building for the last few weeks and you just knew they were going to beat the hell out of each other, and they did. They fought all around the crowd in the arena in what was probably John's best match since the Last Man Standing match against Del Rio back at Vengeance. In the end Cena did not turn to the dark side, he AA'd Kane off the roof of the Ambulance, did a flashy move for the fans and won the match.

Total Score: 7/10
Al in all a great event with out a single really bad match. So lets look at the points standings.
I did the best guessing 5 out of 5 correct which give me a total of 13.
Will didn't do quite as well scoring 4 out of 5 placing him in second with 12.
It wasn't a good night for Amanda as she scored on 2 out of 5, leaving her with 10.
There is still room to win, just look for my preview post the day before a Pay Per View and post your predictions in the comments section for a chance to win.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Elimination Chamber 2012 Preview

The Road to Wrestlemania rolls through Milwaukee Wisconsin, for the Elimination Chamber Pay Per View this Sunday and here's a little run down of the scheduled matches. So far there are only 4 matches scheduled, but history shows there are usually 5 or 6 matches per show, so look for an unscheduled match or two. (5 bonus points if you guess the participants and who wins, my guess is Ted Dibiase taking on Hunico and winning again)

Beth Phoenix vs Tamina Snuka Divas Championship
I'm on the wall about this match, Tamina seems decent, although she really only seems to have one move, which she stole from her father, but she looks like a brawler and the two of them could have at least a decent looking match. I don't see Tamina getting the title yet and I think Wrestlemania will be Beth defending against either Natalya or Kharma (my personal hope is Natalya)
Beth Phoenix via Pin

Kane vs John Cena Ambulance Match
Unlike everyone else it seems, I don't think Cena will turn heel before Wrestlemania. He's shown elevated aggression in the past, and I think this match will be no different, but I don't see him going back on his word, maybe he'll go to far beating up The Rock at WM and that will signify his turn, but I don't see it happening yet. I do how ever see him winning this match.
John Cena FTW

Smackdown Elimination Chamber Match.
Not since the ECW Extreme Rules Elimination Chamber match at December to Dismember 2006 have the participants in a chamber match varied so greatly.  Khali is way past his prime (if you could consider what he had as a prime) Santino is a joke entrant, The Big Show is intimidation, but as I hear it there are plans for him to face Shaq at WM 28. This shows just how shallow Smackdown's roster really is. Barrett, Rhodes, and Bryan are the ones to watch in this match, they all are on the cusp of greatness and will all be looking to prove themselves worthy of being the next top guy. As for who's going to win, my thoughts are that who ever wins this will be the one to face Sheamus at Wrestlemania, which in my mind means either Daniel Bryan or Wade Barrett. They took a huge chance and pulled the trigger with Bryan, giving him the title, something they haven't had the faith in Barrett to do yet, and i don't know if they're going to do it for WM. Even though Barreet and Sheamus have had good matches together, I think Bryan's slow heel turn will be completed and they'll have a great match at WM.
Daniel Bryan FTW

Raw Elimination Chamber Match
This will be the main event. Raw's got the top young guys in company right now, and this match should showcase them all doing what they do best. The top three to watch in this match are Ziggler, Jericho and Punk, which is not to say that Kofi, Miz and Truth won't shine, but Miz seems to have been on the WWE's shit list as of late, and Truth had a very poor showing in 2010, lasting less then 3 1/2 minutes. In 2010 Jericho won the Championship, and while I could see this happening again with Jericho entering the match last, leading to a rematch at WM, I see Punk pulling out with win and entering WM 28 as champion.
CM Punk 

Now a quick recap of the point standing from last months Royal Rumble.
So far only three people have entered, myself, Will and Amanda, and we are all tied up at 8 points each. There is still a chance for anyone to enter and win a prize, I still don't know what it will be, but it'll be something good I promise. Just enter your predictions: who wins and how in the comments to be entered. Good luck and thanks for playing.