Sunday, February 19, 2012

Elimination Chamber 2012 Review

We are one step closer to Wrestlemania 28 as the Elimination Chamber PPV blows through Milwaukee for a historic night filled with great moments, a few surprises and some pretty good matches.

CM Punk retains the WWE Championship in the Elimination Chamber
6.5/10 If you read my Elimination Chamber preview post you would know that this was the match I was most looking forward to heading into the event, I was surprised the put it on first, but it makes sense for what happened after the second chamber match. Having said all that, i was actually kind of disappointed by the match, there where a lot of slow moments in between the high spots that just kinda dragged along and the whole match has lacking an sense of urgency. The paced picked up towards the end when it cam down to Miz and Punk as the final two, they meshed really well together despite a small hiccup in the program earlier in the match. After elimination Kofi, Jericho received a kick to the head by Punk which knocked it out, out of the cage and out of the match which sets up a great story line for Jericho to say that Punk never beat him and there you have their match at WM.

Beth Phoenix def Tamina via Pin
5/10 This Divas match actually wasn't that bad. The hits looked good, nobody flubbed any moves, I actually believed it when Tamina came close to winning. To be perfectly honest, I've never actually seen Tamina wrestle, and while I won't say i was blown away, I thought she did a good job. The one thing that did erk me was that the announcers keep saying how much Tamina reminded them of her father, 'Superfly' Jimmy Snuka, the reason for this being that everything from her entrance to her finishing move is her fathers. When she enters the arena, she drops to one knee with her hands in the air, just like her dad, he finisher of course it the Superfly Splash, just like her dad, so of course she reminds you of him, because everything she does it a copy or homage to him.

Daniel Bryan retains the World Heavyweight Championship in the Elimination Chamber
8/10 I am happy to admit that I was wrong about the way this match shaped up, well, half wrong, Khali was worthless like I said he would be. For the majority of the match Santino did a great job as a punching bag, who knew he would end up in the final two? Big Show did good job as the monster, even coming after D Bryan while he was still in his pod. But the guys who really shinned were my top three. Barrett started the match and lasted nearly till the end and had a great showing. Cody Rhodes was at the top of his game landing two Beautiful Disaster kicks to Big Show while outside of the ring. And D Bryan looked great after getting beat down hard by Show.

Jack Swagger def Justin Gabriel via Pin
7.5/10 Here is your unannounced bonus match, and what a match it was. Even though it was short and sweet, it was a great match and really showed me that Swagger is back at the top of his game again. Justin Gabriel has so much potential, I can't wait to see how good he gets once he gets a few more years under his belt.

John Cena def Kane in an Ambulance Match
8/10 For only the second time in WWE history we have the brutal Ambulance Match where the only way to win is to load your opponent into the ambulance and have it drive away. The story between these two has been building for the last few weeks and you just knew they were going to beat the hell out of each other, and they did. They fought all around the crowd in the arena in what was probably John's best match since the Last Man Standing match against Del Rio back at Vengeance. In the end Cena did not turn to the dark side, he AA'd Kane off the roof of the Ambulance, did a flashy move for the fans and won the match.

Total Score: 7/10
Al in all a great event with out a single really bad match. So lets look at the points standings.
I did the best guessing 5 out of 5 correct which give me a total of 13.
Will didn't do quite as well scoring 4 out of 5 placing him in second with 12.
It wasn't a good night for Amanda as she scored on 2 out of 5, leaving her with 10.
There is still room to win, just look for my preview post the day before a Pay Per View and post your predictions in the comments section for a chance to win.

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