Sunday, October 23, 2011

Elimination Chamber 2011 Review

Once again it's time to review a Pay Per View from earlier this year, today it's February's Elimination Chamber!

Alberto Del Rio def Kofi Kingston via Submission
5/10  This one starts out slow, but picks up the pace and ends up being very exciting. A decent start to the show, but it could have been better.

Edge def Rey Mysterio, Wade Barrett, Kane, Big Show & Drew McIntyre 
Elimination Chamber Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
8/10 Edge and Rey start and finish the match together and really bring the match up to the next level. Everyone involved really steps it up and the match is very well put together.

Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel def Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov via Pin
5/10 This is a fairly good match. As funny as Santino is, he and Kozlov really brought down the Tag Team Championships. Slater & Gabriel have great chemistry as a team and it makes sense why this is their third run as Champions.

There is no Divas match on the card, however a returning Trish Stratus does throw down with Lay-Cool, in 6 inch High Heels BTW, and even though she does show some signs of ring rust, it's still entertaining.

The Miz def Jerry Lawler via Pin to retain the WWE Championship
6.5/10 When I first heard this would be the title match, I cringed. Jerry Lawler is 61 years old, and the fact that in previous encounters Miz, The WWE Champion, has needed help from two other people to retain his title is just pathetic. Now, having said that, in this match Lawler doesn't look that bad for his age. Miz really puts him over, and in the end beats him clean.

John Cena def Randy Orton, R- Truth, CM Punk, John Morrison & Sheamus
Elimination Chamber Match for the No 1 Contender spot at Wrestlemania 27
8.5/10 JoMo and Sheamus, who had my favorite series at the end for 2010, start the match and click just like they have before. This match is big, brutal and amazing. R-Truth was clearly only in the match to fill it out as he only lasts 1 minute and 7 seconds, although he does pull of some decent moves in that time. Morrison clearly shines the brightest, starting the match and making it to the final three, and pulling of some of the most amazing moves in a Chamber match, including climbing to the top of the Chamber and crashing down HARD on Sheamus. It really is a shame Cena won, I would have much rather seen Miz vs Morrison in the Main Event of WM27.

6.6/10 Not surprisingly, this is the highest rated PPV so far, with no Divas match, and no really bad match to bring the score down.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are keeping this up. I'm so tired of Cena winning all the time. He is so stale. Blehhhh. Yeah, that was a good show, though.
