Monday, October 24, 2011

Vengeance 2011 Results

Another great show is in the books, filled with some great matches, and big surprises, enough with the intro, here we go.

Air Boom def Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger via Pin
5/10 Not as good as their match at HIAC, the pace has been slowed down dramatically by Swagger and Ziggler (or Zwaggler if you will) who dominated the majority of the match. In the end Ziggler takes Trouble in Paradise and Air Bourne for the loss, which leads straight to...

Dolph Ziggler def Zack Ryder via Pin
5/10 That's right, Ziggler's second match of the night. Ryder is on the offensive for the first half, until Ziggler gets his second wind and goes back to what he does best, dominate. I get why fans like Ryder, wait, no, I don't. He's goofy and his show is kinda funny in a really dumb way, but in ring he's just not that good, which really brings the score down, which sucks for Ziggler because he had two solid performances 

Beth Phoenix def Eve via Pin
6/10 Don't adjust your monitor, or get your eyes checked, I really did score it 6/10. I was floored by how good this match was. It's got great back and forth action, lots of high spots, some unique submission moves, and everything is pulled off really well. Eve really surprised me.

Sheamus def Christian via Pin
6.5/10 Much better showing then their HIAC opening bout. Christian takes a beating by Sheamus, but holds his own and even comes close to the win. Not much else to say, just a solid match.

The Miz & R-Truth def Triple H & CM Punk
7.5/10 Classic Tag Team wrestling by three guys who at the top of their profession, and R-Truth. I tease, but he actually looked pretty good during the match, everyone did. Punk and Trips seemed to be having fun working together as they joked around a bit in the first half. Kevin Nash returned through the crowd, attacking Triple H, which caused the distraction which cost Punk the match. Post match Nash power bombed  Triple H in the middle of the ring before retreating through the crowd.

Randy Orton def Cody Rhodes via Pin
7.5/10 Great match by two of the best. Fast paced action, solid storytelling, great ring psychology Cody Rhodes does two of the best looking moonsaults since Kurt Angle. This could be the match that pushed Rhodes to the next level, I can't think of a better person to help him get there. I look forward to this feud lasting a while.

Mark Henry and The Big Show Fight to a Draw
5/10 Coming in I had rather low expectations and for most of the match those expectations were met. It was very slow, lots of punches and headbutts and rest holds. As the match neared the end, the pace actually picked up, the opposite of what you'd expect with two big guys, and then, they lost me. Back in 2002 Big Show fought Brock Lesnar on Smackdown, Lesnar superplexed Show off the top turnbuckle, I think you know where I'm going with this. The exact same thing happened. The EXACT SAME THING HAPPEN. Exactly the same, the way the ring broke was the same, it just felt so cheap and rehashed. I agree that if any two guys could break the ring it would be Henry and Show, it makes a lot more sense then Show and Lesnar who came in around the same weight as The Rock.

Alberto Del Rio def John Cena via Count Out in a Last Man Standing Match
8.5/10 This was one of the best Last Man Standing matches I've ever seen, probably the best since Triple H vs Jericho at Fully Loaded 2000. The match starts inside the collapsed ring, and most of the action takes place there, but the unique layout makes for some very unique opportunities, such as Cena throwing Del Rio from inside the ring, into the crowd barricade. The match moves to the back for some big spots then back out to the arena for a great table shot and a solid finish. A little interference from The Awesome Truth sets up Cena's next feud but Del Rio's the one who keeps Cena down and gets a relatively clean win (I mean it is NO DQ).

6.37/10 Another in a long line of solid Pay Per Views from WWE this year (Capitol Punishment being the exception).

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Elimination Chamber 2011 Review

Once again it's time to review a Pay Per View from earlier this year, today it's February's Elimination Chamber!

Alberto Del Rio def Kofi Kingston via Submission
5/10  This one starts out slow, but picks up the pace and ends up being very exciting. A decent start to the show, but it could have been better.

Edge def Rey Mysterio, Wade Barrett, Kane, Big Show & Drew McIntyre 
Elimination Chamber Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
8/10 Edge and Rey start and finish the match together and really bring the match up to the next level. Everyone involved really steps it up and the match is very well put together.

Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel def Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov via Pin
5/10 This is a fairly good match. As funny as Santino is, he and Kozlov really brought down the Tag Team Championships. Slater & Gabriel have great chemistry as a team and it makes sense why this is their third run as Champions.

There is no Divas match on the card, however a returning Trish Stratus does throw down with Lay-Cool, in 6 inch High Heels BTW, and even though she does show some signs of ring rust, it's still entertaining.

The Miz def Jerry Lawler via Pin to retain the WWE Championship
6.5/10 When I first heard this would be the title match, I cringed. Jerry Lawler is 61 years old, and the fact that in previous encounters Miz, The WWE Champion, has needed help from two other people to retain his title is just pathetic. Now, having said that, in this match Lawler doesn't look that bad for his age. Miz really puts him over, and in the end beats him clean.

John Cena def Randy Orton, R- Truth, CM Punk, John Morrison & Sheamus
Elimination Chamber Match for the No 1 Contender spot at Wrestlemania 27
8.5/10 JoMo and Sheamus, who had my favorite series at the end for 2010, start the match and click just like they have before. This match is big, brutal and amazing. R-Truth was clearly only in the match to fill it out as he only lasts 1 minute and 7 seconds, although he does pull of some decent moves in that time. Morrison clearly shines the brightest, starting the match and making it to the final three, and pulling of some of the most amazing moves in a Chamber match, including climbing to the top of the Chamber and crashing down HARD on Sheamus. It really is a shame Cena won, I would have much rather seen Miz vs Morrison in the Main Event of WM27.

6.6/10 Not surprisingly, this is the highest rated PPV so far, with no Divas match, and no really bad match to bring the score down.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Top 5 Submission Finishers

Here we go again, it's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Top 5 list, this week the topic is Top 5 Submission Finishing Moves.

Everyone loves a good submission move, one that looks excruciating, twisting the body in ways it was never meant to go, the drama of will they tap out, will they make it to the ropes in time? Here are my favorite.

5. The Rings of Saturn
Used by the utterly insane  Perry Saturn in WCW and WWE, he locks one arm behind the person with his legs, and the other behind the person with his arms. Ouch!

4. Sharpshooter
Bret Hart perfected this move, which has been used by almost everyone from Owen Hart to Shawn Michaels to The Rock.

3. Lion Tamer
A modified Boston Crab used by Chris Jericho throughout WCW and occasionally in WWE where he had to modify it for the bigger opponents he was facing into the Walls of Jericho, but there is a huge difference. Notice his knee right in the back of the neck.

2. La Belle Lock
I was going to go with the Crippler Crossface for number 2, but the La Belle Lock is very similar and a little more painful as the arm is actually locked in the legs at an awkward angle.

1. Figure Four Leg Lock
I defy you to find one person who hasn't submitted to this move. Legends have turned into weeping little babies by this move. Used by many superstars, but one name is synonymous with it, Ric Flair. The greatest World Champion this business has ever seen used this move to perfection throughout his almost 40 year Hall of Fame career. Plus is was the first and to my knowledge, only move that ever made my friend Will tap out. And then cry. Like a little girl. ;-)

Well, there you have it, my Top 5 Submission Finishers, i hope you enjoyed it. What are your Top 5, please comment and follow.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Royal Rumble 2011 Results

As I said in a previous post, every Sunday I will be going back and reviewing an old Pay Per View, starting with this years. So to kick it off tonight we have Royal Rumble 2011.

Edge def Dolph Ziggler via Pin World Heavyweight Championship
7/10  This was a great match to start the show, with exciting back and forth action they really worked well together. The Ziggler Edge feud was really well done, I just wish it had culminated to a better conclusion.

The Miz def Randy Orton via Pin WWE Championship
6/10 The match is solid, it just doesn't tell a compelling story till the end. I also don't like how Miz never really gets a legitimate win over Orton, I mean he's the WWE Champion and he pretty much didn't get a straight up win his entire run.

Eve def Layla, Michelle McCool & Natalya Divas Championship
4/10 One of the better Divas matches, there is constant action, and a lot of the moves are pulled off well. The two highlights are the double Sharpshooter put on Eve and Layla by Natalya, and Eve's beautiful moonsault that won the match.

Alberto Del Rio wins 40 Man Royal Rumble Match
8/10 One of the better Royal Rumble matches in recent memory. Here are some of my favorite highlights.
*Danial Bryan and CM Punk start the match and have great chemistry together, and when William Regal enters the match it brings it up to another level.
*Zack Ryder gets a huge, unexpected pop.
*John Morrison getting knocked off the apron, onto the guard rail, then jumping back to the ring, is one the most amazing things I've ever seen in all of wrestling.
*I loved seeing Chavo try the Three Amigos four times before his pulls off the third suplex.
*The middle of the match gets a little controversial, and I have mixed feelings about it. The New Nexus clears the ring and eliminates people one at a time as they enter the match. I like this because it's solid strategy, and serves Punk well, I don't like it because I'm kind of a traditionalist. I like the Royal Rumble being every man for himself. I like having a ring full of guys that get tossed out one at a time.
*The Celtic Connection looked good and worked well together, maybe one day we'll see them together again.
*The Rumble always has a few surprise participants and this year it was Booker T and Diesel, both coming out to a huge pop and looking pretty good in the ring.

Overall score- 6.25/10 So far my highest ranked PPV of the year. Defiantly a solid show, and worth another look and a purchase.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hell In A Cell Results

Hell in a Cell has come and gone, overall I thought it was a pretty good ppv, I don't know why I didn't have big expectations going into it, probably because the short time in between ppv's didn't allow for story lines to develop.

Sheamus def Christian via Pin
5/10 Not a bad opening match, but it never really takes off and Sheamus looks winded and out of it through out the second half.

Sin Cara Blue def Sin Cara Black via Pin
6/10  For those of you who don't know, Sin Cara Blue is the original, you can tell by the little bit of blonde hair out the back of his mask. The other Sin Cara is Hunico, a developmental talent from FCW. This was a great lucha libre match up, but it did slow down in the middle.

Air Boom def Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler via Pin
7/10  This is what the tag team division needs to be. This was a great match, exciting action, lots of high spots. I really like seeing Swagger and Ziggler team up and I hope they keep it up and even have a run as Champions. I can see these two teams mixing it up again and again.

Mark Henry def Randy Orton via Pin
4/10  This was a boring match, save for a small flurry of offense by Orton. It was slow, methodical, and boring. Unfortunately, this is about the best you're going to get from Mark Henry.

Cody Rhodes def John Morrison via Pin
6/10  This was an impromptu match made while Cody came out to discard the current IC belt and bring out the old one, and it was a solid match. Cody Rhodes has been on the top of his game all year and brings it yet again in this match, which is not to take anything away from JoMo. Of all the matches tonight, this one told the best story.

Beth Phoenix def Kelly Kelly via Pin
3/10  The low point of the ppv, Beth finally gets her hands on the Divas title, it's bullshit that it took three tries and the help of Natty to get there. What ever happened to the Beth Phoenix who dominated everyone, the one who bent Melina like a pretzel and beat her in the head with her own foot? That's the Phoenix I want to see.

Alberto Del Rio def John Cena & CM Punk via Pin
9/10 This was an Epic match. This is what a main event match should be. Del Rio dominated both men throughout most of the match and came up with an ingenious way to take Cena out of the equation, which always makes me happy.

After the match The Miz and R-Truth, who had been kicked out of the arena several times throughout the night, got into the Hell in a Cell and owned everybody, Del Rio, Cena, Punk, the refs, the camera men. Every superstar ran out to try to get inside the Cell, and when the police where finally able to cut the chain and get inside Miz and Truth surrendered without a fight. As they where being escorted to the back Triple H comes out of nowhere and attacks them. It was wonderfully executed and a great way to end the show.

 Overall 5.7/10  The Divas match and Mark Henry really brought down the score, because the show was quite good besides them.