Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Top 5 Submission Finishers

Here we go again, it's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Top 5 list, this week the topic is Top 5 Submission Finishing Moves.

Everyone loves a good submission move, one that looks excruciating, twisting the body in ways it was never meant to go, the drama of will they tap out, will they make it to the ropes in time? Here are my favorite.

5. The Rings of Saturn
Used by the utterly insane  Perry Saturn in WCW and WWE, he locks one arm behind the person with his legs, and the other behind the person with his arms. Ouch!

4. Sharpshooter
Bret Hart perfected this move, which has been used by almost everyone from Owen Hart to Shawn Michaels to The Rock.

3. Lion Tamer
A modified Boston Crab used by Chris Jericho throughout WCW and occasionally in WWE where he had to modify it for the bigger opponents he was facing into the Walls of Jericho, but there is a huge difference. Notice his knee right in the back of the neck.

2. La Belle Lock
I was going to go with the Crippler Crossface for number 2, but the La Belle Lock is very similar and a little more painful as the arm is actually locked in the legs at an awkward angle.

1. Figure Four Leg Lock
I defy you to find one person who hasn't submitted to this move. Legends have turned into weeping little babies by this move. Used by many superstars, but one name is synonymous with it, Ric Flair. The greatest World Champion this business has ever seen used this move to perfection throughout his almost 40 year Hall of Fame career. Plus is was the first and to my knowledge, only move that ever made my friend Will tap out. And then cry. Like a little girl. ;-)

Well, there you have it, my Top 5 Submission Finishers, i hope you enjoyed it. What are your Top 5, please comment and follow.


  1. Bite my ass.... Lots of alcohol was involved.

  2. I know, and this Wednesday's Top 5. I've got a script due by the end of the week, so I've been putting all my energy into finishing it on time.I'll have a double dose of PPV reviews this Sunday with Elimination Chamber and Vengeance.
