Monday, April 30, 2012

Extreme Rules 12 Review

First off , I would like to apologize for posting this so late in the day, my internet has been giving me grief this whole weekend, and by the time I went to bed last night at 3am, I hadn't even finished watching the show. I also noticed that my WrestleMania 28 Review didn't post, so I will be redoing that this week. Now, onto the good stuff.

In the past the PPV after WrestleMania generally has a low buy rate, even though they have mostly been great shows, WWE tries to counter this trend by making all the matches gimmick matches, hence Extreme Rules. They also tried to counter it with the return of a huge name draw Brock Lesnar. We will see if this paid off in a few weeks when the buy rate comes in, but it was a success in the quality of matches.

Santino def The Miz to retain the United State Championship
This was the Pre Show, that aired on Youtube, and facebook, and it was the first time the US Championship has been defended on a Pre Show, which kind of shows you where the title ranks in the WWE right now, if Dolph Ziggler was still champion the title defense would have happened during the show. It was a perfectly fine match, there where no slip ups to note, and it had a nice flow, I'm not going to rate it, because it wasn't part of the show, but if you didn't see it, you didn't miss anything.

Randy Orton def Kane in a Falls Count Anywhere Match
5.5/10 Based on the match they had at Wrestlemania, i was kind of expecting more from this match, but there wasn't really anything new or unique displayed, they basically fought in the ring, then went out of the ring, through the crowd, hitting each other, went to the back, threw each other into some backstage equipment, came back to the ring and ended the match. If I've seen one match like that, you've seen a thousand,  it was a wasted opportunity

Brodus Clay def Dolph Ziggler
5/10 This would be, what I consider, Brodus's first real match. He's been squashing guys left and right since his semi regular return, and this was the first time somebody actually gave him a fight. That being said, there wasn't a whole lot else going on, it was still a very short, standard issue match. The highlight of the match for me was the Chicago crowd chanting "Let's Go Ziggler!"

Cody Rhodes def The Big Show to win the Intercontinental Championship in a Tables Match
6.5/10 Going in, Cody is at even more of a disadvantage then normal since the idea of how does he get the Big Show through a tables rings loud and clear, the announcers might have mentioned that once or a thousand times. The finish was really quite clever and unexpected, Cody drop kicks Big Show while Show is on the edge of the ring, he steps backwards onto a set up table which breaks under his weight and Cody wins the match.

Sheamus def Daniel Bryan to retain the World Heavyweight Championship in a 2 out of # Falls Match
9/10 Yeah, it's that good. This match was the best match of the night, and it alone is worth the price of the DVD. It's the best 2 out of 3 Falls match I've seen since the 3 Stages of Hell match at No Way Out 2001. That's all I'm going to say about it. Watch It!

Ryback def 2 Jobbers
3/10 I don't know why they needed to show this match on a PPV, if they were running short of time, they should have put the US Championship match on the show, maybe even put a silly stipulation on it. At least with his squash match they tried to inject a bit of humor, they failed but at least they tried. I don't know if Ryback is supposed to be heel or face, because he's only squashed jobbers since his return (he was Skip Sheffeild of the Nexus) but he's now the third person who's only having squash matches right now, along with Brodus and Albert, I mean Lord Tensai. Do we really need three of these going on at the same time, when there is legit talent waiting to be called up from FCW? Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins are ready to go and show be debuting very soon.

CM Punk def Chris Jericho to retain the WWE Championship in a Chicago Street Fight
7.5/10 A far departure from their wrestling classic at Wrestlemania this was an intense fight between two guys with a deep feud. The story building up to it was deeply personal and the match reflected it. Another can't miss match.

Layla def Nikki Bella to win the Divas Championship
2.5/10 Did you know Layla was gone? Cuz I didn't. The announcers seemed WAY more surprised by her return then the crowd did, it was hilarious. As soon as the Bellas came out and said that the crowd should get used to seeing them with the title, because they're going to be holding it for a long, long time, you know their title reign is about to end  This match was sloppy, but thankfully short, lasting only 3 minutes.

John Cena def Brock Lesnar in an Extreme Rules Match
7/10 If you've ever wanted to see John Cena get the crap kicked out of him, and I know you have, you should check out this match. Cena takes a BEATING from the moment the bell rings, getting busted open within the first minute. Brock doesn't really display any of the wrestling moves which lead him to a record of 106-5 in college, applying only one move, a Kimura Armbar. Cena really only hit three moves, a slam onto the steel steps to get out of the armbar, a punch to the face with a steel chain wrapped around his fist and an FU onto the steel steps for the win.

5.75/10 All in all it was a really good show, it lived up to the name of Extreme Rules, and will make a welcome addition to my extensive wrestling collection.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Extreme Rules Preview

I apologize for the lateness of this post, and the short duration of it ahead of time, I've got a tight deadline on my next script, and most of my free time has been devoted to that project. Speaking of other projects Housewife Slasher Blu Rays are available at so go pick one up today. Now that the shameless plugging is complete let's look at the card for Sunday's PPV.

Diva's Championship Match
I honestly didn't know which of the Bella Twins had won the championship until I looked to see who was defending it just now. If the WWE was run on who deserved the title, then I would say Beth would regain the championship this Sunday, but it is not, so I'm picking Nikki, no wait, Brie, no I was right, Nikki Bella to win.

US Championship
Let's be honest, I'm a mark for The Miz, but for some reason Santino has been on fire with the WWE. I don't get it, but I'm going to go with it, as much as I want to pick Miz; Santino retains US Championship.

IC Championship
I was surprised by The Big Show's win at WM, aside from his back to back Tag Team Championships with Jerishow and ShowMiz, he hasn't held a title in a long time, (of course there was the World Heavyweight Championship but that wasn't a real championship, let's be honest). As with The Miz, I love everything Cody Rhodes is doing, I really hope that Goldust get's to have his final match with his brother at a PPV, but I don't see them taking the title off Big Show, or keeping Rhodes down at that level. As I said before I expect Rhodes to be World Champion by the Summer, and going back to the IC Championship would postpone that, so Big Show to retain the IC Championship.

Randy Orton vs Kane Falls Count Anywhere
Kane's WM win was a surprise, now they need to get Orton back on top, with a win in a FCA match, it will unleash the anger he has over Kane's attack on his father, and get him back to where he needs to be. Orton def Kane.

WWE Championship
I really like where this feud has gone, and i hope there is no end in sight. Jericho and Punk work great together and, while I would like to see them continue to show there technical proficiency, a Street Fight would reflect there feud better, I'm super psyched. CM Punk to retain the WWE Championship.

World Heavyweight Championship
I was among the thousands of fans who were upset by the less then stellar match Sheamus and D Bryan had at WM. I have since learned that WWE had nothing against D Bryan, the squash was only used to kick WM28 off with a surprise and a bang. Now is when they will have the match everyone expected them to have at WM, so look for this to be the match of the night. I still think Sheamus is going to retain, Bryan will get the title back in a few months, but Sheamus has worked his ass off to get back to the top, and he's going to stay there for a while. Sheamus to retain.

Cena vs Lesnar
What can I say about this match that hasn't been replayed a thousand times during Raw and Smackdown. Lesnar's 'demands' at the end of Raw on Monday were just a really sad attempt to make people dislike him, and it really made him look bad, because he's not a talker, nor has he ever been, so watching him fumble through line after line, was just painful to watch. I loved seeing Edge come out and talk to Cena at the start of the show, and I assume Cena coming out with the heavy chain means he's back to his old self, even though he didn't really change anything, he just brought out a chain, which I guess he was carrying with him, for some reason? Really doesn't make a whole lot of sense when you think about it, I mean did he pack the chain with him when he left his house for the show, like I'll bring this, just in case, you never know. Or did he find it back stage and just take it, in which case, is there a piece of heavy equipment that's just flopping around loose because Cena just took a chain he found, that could cause damage to countless people and cars on the road as they head to Chicago for Extreme Rules. I'm kidding of course. About the match, I think it makes a much more interesting story for Cena to start having a loosing streak, plus I don't by them bringing Lesnar back, only to have him loose to his first opponent, especially if (come on, it's on everybody's mind) Lesnar left the UFC after suffering two HUGE losses in a row, there's not way he's coming back to WWE with a loss right away. Lesnar Def Cena.

Wow, that was longer then I expected. as always post your predictions in the comments, hopefully I can find them now that Google has redesigned dashboard, idk. and also let me know if you want to Skype during the show, i had a blast during the last show, and would love to do it again. Peace.