Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Little Bit About Me.

Hey everyone, I just wanted to do a quick post for those of you who don't know me, my history with wrestling, and why I wanted to start this blog.

Fist off, I'm 30 years old, live in the future site of the WWE Hall of Fame, and headquarters to WWE's developmental organization FCW, Tampa, FL. with my girlfriend. I manage a few apartment buildings by day, and I write by night. I've written several screenplays, a few of which are in different stages of development by an independent film studio out here. Oh yeah one more thing, I LOVE Pro Wrestling!

I first got into wrestling in October 1999. The first episode of Raw I watched was the night after the No Mercy ppv, Triple H was the WWE Champion, The Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian had just had arguably the best ladder match in history, and Chyna had just become the first ever female Intercontinental Champion. I was hooked.

I couldn't get enough, I would start watching WCW Nitro at 8, switch over to the good show at 9, then back for the second half of the Nitro replay at 11. 2000 was probably one of my top 5 favorite years in wrestling, oh yes, that's a future blog right there. At a certain point, I decided that this was something I wanted to do, so I packed up everything I owned and moved up to North Carolina where I had an old friend who needed a roommate. We both loved wrestling, and at one point I think we were both going to train, join the WWE as a Tag Team, but, despite some awesome matches we had in the living room of our apartment, nothing ever happened.

I moved back and forth from NC to Tampa a few times, fell in an out of wrestling during that time, till 2007 when I reconnected with previously mentioned friend, and we started watching wrestling and PPVs again. And I was hooked, again. Triple H had just returned, Jericho was coming back, Randy Orton was Champion, wrestling was good again. 2008 was probably my favorite year in wrestling so far.

I've been watching every week ever since, I've been collecting ppvs on dvd, even the ones they never released I've had to make myself, but I have almost all of them. I've met a few superstars, Flair, Big Show, Eddie Guerrero, Sheamus, All of which will be on future posts.

I write this blog because I love wrestling, and I was to share that with everyone who wants to read it. I have very strong opinions about the way things are being done, and maybe, just maybe my voice will be heard, I know it's a slim chance, but it's better then doing nothing at all.


  1. Do you remember the time my parents gave us that big ass TV and we were hauling it back to Huntersville in the Geo? We were trying to make it back in time to watch the Royal Rumble (HHH's return from the quad injury) and it seemed like the car's engine exploded? Turned out it was the AC clutch, but we were so scared we were going to miss the show. Ah, good times.

  2. Yes, that was scary as shit, thinking we were going to be stranded in the middle of no where, and miss the show. It was actually Raw, that Triple H was returning to, he officially entered the Royal Rumble that night. Remember after the show, we had a few drinks, smoked those awesome cigars, and I made you tap in the figure four! I miss those days.

  3. Ah, ok. I remember which show, now. Yeah, good times. That TV was so HUGE. Getting it up those stairs was so scary cause I was sure we were going to drop it.
