Sunday, September 25, 2011


Ok everyone, after a crazy week of work, hauling a couch, two birthdays and a weekend out of town I'm back and things should be more regular from here on in. a few quick notes, I've decided to change from a scale of 5 to a scale of 10, that allows for more accurate ratings. Also, at the end of each year I will be ranking the Pay Per Views by their mean match score. So without further a due here is the updated Night of Champions score.

Air-Boom def The Awesome Truth via DQ 4/10
Cody Rhodes def Ted DiBiase via Pin 5/10
Dolph Ziggler wins Fatal Four Way 7/10
Mark Henry def Randy Orton via Pin 5/10
Kelly Kelly def Beth Phoenix via Pin 3/10
John Cena def Alberto Del Rio via Pin 4/10
HHH def CM Punk via Pin 8/10

Night of Champions: 5.1/10

Also, from here on out, EVERY Sunday I will be reviewing a PPV. If there isn't one live, I'll take a look at an old one, and every time I finish a year of PPV's I'll rank them in order by score, and when I have enough years done, I'll start ranking the years by average PPV score. It's gonna be a hoot.

Every Friday I'll be doing a weekly wrap up, all my thoughts on Raw, NXT (yes that show is still going on) and Smackdown, ( And Superstars if they decide to post it on the website.) as well as any news, or rumors buzzing around.

Last but not least, every Wednesday I'll do a Top 5 list, anything from Top 5 ppv matches from a certain year to Top 5 heels with three or more elements in their name, e.i. Rowdy Roddy Piper or John Bradshaw Layfield. There is a ton of material there, and if you have any list suggestions, please comment, or if you have anything to add, please comment, or if you love the blog, or if you hate the blog, please comment. It lets me know where I stand and how I can make it better.

Till next time, Head for the Hills!!!

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