Friday, September 30, 2011

Looking for That Breakout Star

There are a few years that, when you look back, were pretty much owned by certain Superstars, 2000 was Triple H, 2001 Austin, 2008 Jericho, 2009 was Orton. But who's stepped up this year?

When the year started, it looks like it was going to be great for the new guys. The Miz was WWE Champion, Dolph Ziggler was having some amazing matched for the World Heavyweight Championship, Alberto Del Rio was in line to fulfill his 'destiny', then it all kind of fell apart.

The Miz lost the Championship right after Wrestlamania, and pretty much dropped off the radar, losing to his protege over and over again. I understand how it pushes Riley, but Miz was just coming up himself, he never really had that great match that defined him as Champion.

In what was probably the laziest, most uninspired writing I've ever seen, the World Heavyweight Title is stripped from Edge, handed to Ziggler, stripped from Ziggler, then awarded back to Edge, all within about an hour. The worst part is that this happened only a week before the Elimination Chamber PPV. How much better would it have been if the title was vacant and the Chamber match would determine the Champion.

Despite this horrible ending to what was a great feud between Ziggler and Edge, Dolph has still shinned throughout the year, when ever he's booked he's great on the mic and solid in ring.

Del Rio seems to be stuck in purgatory with WWE. Every time he gets close to the top, they slide him down a few notches. He wins the Royal Rumble, but doesn't win at Wrestlemania. Gets another shot at the now vacant title, loses to Christian and drops from the title picture altogether. Wins MITB, cashes it in, is WWE Champion, until Cena comes along and wins his 12th World Championship. Del Rio needs work on the mic, I'll give you that, but performance wise, he's been excellent.

Jack Swagger is so close to greatness, he just needs a slightly better gimmick and an opportunity. He's a big guy, but he can move, he's a legitimate athlete, who's good on the mic, but he's been booked as a joke as of late.

Cody Rhodes has done nothing but shine this past having great matches with everyone he's stepped into the ring with. Many people are predicting he'll main event before the end of the year, and I for one can't wait for it.

Ted DiBiase is one of these guys who gets lost in the shuffle. Playing the younger version of his father didn't work out to well for him last year, but he looks good as a face. I really hope these DiBiase Posse Parties help him get over with the fans and he has an opportunity to shine in the ring.

CM Punk has had a banner year, although a lot of it has been under hyped. He had a great series with Randy Orton at Wrestlemania and Extreme Rules, had the Match of the Night at Capital Punishment, but no one really took notice until Money in the Bank. If he can keep up this momentum who know where it could take him.

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