Saturday, September 17, 2011

Will Triple H Turn Heel at Night of Champions?

I wouldn't be surprised if it happened. With reports that Kevin Nash is still booked for Night of Champions, and WWE's use of outside media to further story lines as of late (CM Punk stating on twitter he had decided to leave a few months back, then showing up at the WWE/Mattel panel at SDCC with the WWE Championship.) was Kevin Nash's tweet about he and WWE not being able to come to 'financial terms' a hoax? If all this is true and Nash does show up at Night of Champions, it's not outside the realm of possibility that it would be in order to help Triple H keep his position, and with the crowd already putting CM Punk over, Nash's interference would push Triple H to the place he goes better then anyone, Heel territory.

Speaking of Night of Champions, one of the matches I'm looking forward to most is Ted DiBiase vs Cody Rhodes for the Intercontinental Championship. DiBiase must has really pissed someone off back in 2009, that's the only reason I can understand the way he was booked for almost two years after such a promising start with Priceless and Legacy, then going into singles and feuding with Goldust, who is pretty much a star maker, only to end up jobbing for Hornswoggle for several months. But with this story line it looks like he has weathered the shit storm, just like Triple H in '96, he kept his head down, did as he was booked, and now he looks to be getting over with the crowd and on his way to big things.

Other predictions for Night of Champions. Look for Air-Boom (worst tag team name since The Moondogs) to put away The Awesome Truth (best team name since Showmiz). It's not that Miz and Truth aren't capable of winning, but WWE seem to be pushing a Tag division revival, and it's too soon for Air-Boom to drop the straps. The United State Championship Fatal 4 Way match is another I'm looking forward to, although picking a horse is one tough call. I'm going to say that Swagger causes Ziggler to lose the title to Alex Riley, thus pushing Riley, and continuing the feud between Swagger and Ziggles, and keeping JoMo at a distance, which seems to be WWE's long term plan with him, keep him involved in the big matches, like the fans want, but don't let him win anything important. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm not a fan of the Divas division, with the exception of Beth Phoenix and Natalya, who I desperately want to see fight at next years Wrestlemania. They have put the two of them close to a big match every year, but it never pans out. I'm hoping this is the story line that brings that dream match home.

As for the World and WWE Championships. I'm going to say that Orton will defeat Henry on this occasion, but at the next encounter, probably next months Hell in a Cell, Henry will get the win and the belt. They seem to be pushing Mark Henry very hard, and as much as I dislike him, I have to admit he's been impressive as of late. At this point a World Title run seems inevitable. On to the last, and in my opinion the least anticipated match of the night Cena vs Del Rio for the WWE Championship. Look for Del Rio to get the win, but it won't be clean. Del Rio hasn't really impressed me since becoming Champ, a win of Cena will get him over, but doing it dirty will ensure a rematch at Hell in a Cell where he will get another win, and hopefully show a more aggressive attitude.

Well that's it for today, be sure to check back here Sunday night to see the results, will I gloat? Will I eat crow? find out next time.

P.S. I'm looking for a good sign off tag, please comment with your suggestion, Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. A couple things. Wonder who gave you the idea to start a wrestling blog... hmmmm... Haha.

    I, too, can't wait until the Divas division becomes more than 'the bathroom match.' What about Kharma's anticipated return? She should be back sooner rather than later.

    I loved the tag team name of Showmiz.

    I'm hoping Henry gets the belt at some point. A culmination of 16 years with the company and doing everything that was asked of him (he fathered a hand with Mae Young!). They rewarded JBL/Bradshaw with a title run and mega push for his years of service, so its time for Henry to get the same.

    Question - Which long-tenured WWE Superstar would you most like to see rewarded with a title run? They have to have not held the WWE or World titles.

    Looking forward to the show and love the blog, man! Keep it up.
