Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Goodbye John Morrison

In case you weren't already aware, John Morrison's WWE Contract expires Wednesday, which means Miz beating him down on Raw and 'injuring' him, will likely be the last we see of him for a while. I for one am not surprised that is came to this, I am disappointed in Morrison for several reasons. Here's the situation.

From what I've heard the issues surrounding Morrison started at Wrestlemania 27, when he blatantly snubbed Trish Stratus after their victory, she goes in for a hug, he subtly moves away. Rumor has it this was spawned by Melina who is dating Morrison, feeling snubbed by WWE because they picked Stratus instead of her. But you really can't blame them, because Melina is a talent-less hack, with a horse face, and Trish is a 7 time women's champion.

Right after the WM incident it comes out that Vince has no respect for Morrison because of the way he handled a situation in which Melina is said to have cheated on Morrison with Batista. Vince is said to have said that a real man would have fought Batista and ended it with Melina, Morrison did neither,

Morrison was also criticized for the way he wrestles, which looks more like he's performing and less like he's fighting, although I must say his match with Miz looked like a fight. It was said that Morrison would not win the WWE title, because of these things. And what did Morrison do? Did he stay and eat shit and work his way up from the bottom, like Triple H in 1996? No, left the company, most likely to join TNA where he'll probably become Champion within a year.

I'm not going to get into what I think about TNA, needless to say I have no respect for a company that would even allow someone to go out and compete in the condition Jeff Hardy was at Victory Road 2011.

I am just really disappointed in Morrison's character, or lack there of, to be so ungrateful of everything the WWE has done for him, and to still be with that skank, who blames everyone else for everything wrong in their lives. It's sad.

What are your thoughts on the situation? Where do you think Morrison will go next?

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