Monday, November 21, 2011

Survivor Series 2011 Results

Hey everyone, sorry it took me so long to get these up, right after the PPV last night I went right back on to Dead Island, I love that game.

Anyway as you know, last night was a the 25th Survivor Series, it was a huge night mainly because it marked the in ring return of The Rock after a 7 year absence from the WWE.

Dolph Ziggler def John Morrison via Pin
7/10 Great match to start the night, JoMo and Zig have contrasting style, Morrison being a flyer and Ziggler being a more technical wrestling, but they mix the two very well. The action is fast paced and spot on. This is also the first match of Ziggler's second back to back double booked ppvs, which I think shows how much faith WWE has in Ziggler, and rightfully so.

Beth Phoenix def Eve via Pin
3/10 I'm being a little generous with that score, this match was one of the worst Divas matches of all time. This match redefines the bathroom break. The only saving grace was the Glam Slam from the top rope at the end.

Team Barrett def Team Orton w/ Wade Barrett & Cody Rhodes Surviving 
6/10 A Decent Match, it started pretty good, with Ziggler, but then Sin Cara flubbed a dive over the top rope and tore a patella tendon. It took quite a while for action to resume, and everyone on Orton's team seemed a half beat off for a little while. But they got back on track, and finished the match, it just lacked something.

Big Show def Mark Henry via DQ
5/10 Another match filled to the brim with punches, headbutts and rest holds. Henry retains the title with a swift kick to the groin.

CM Punk def Alberto Del Rio via Submission
7/10 Great match, but I was expecting better. It was technically sound, with great ring psychology, and told a good story. I didn't expect Punk to win, I thought after Del Rio put away Cena last month he would have held onto the title at least till TLC. They will have a return match at TLC, I  hope they get the TLC match.

The Rock & John Cena def The Miz & R-Truth via Pin
8/10 This was pretty much what I was expecting it to be, which is kinda of a let down. The Rock starts off to show that he still has it squaring off against both Miz and Truth, hitting moves lighting fast. Then Cena tags in, stays in for WAAAAAAAAYYYYYY to long, having the usual 'Cena get's beat down for 20 minutes but never gives up' match. Then Rock comes in cleans house and picks up the win.

Post match, a situation arose that would have been the perfect place for Cena to go heel, The Rock's in the middle of the ring, soaking up the cheers, Cena's walking up the ramp, leaving when Rock calls him back to the ring. Rock goes up the turnbuckle getting cheers, Cena goes up and gets boos. Cena should have embraced the boos, hit the AA & beat down the Rock, but no, Cena's a little bitch, so he just stands there with the look that reads "I'm embarrassed that everyone hates me, but i'm going to act like it doesn't bother me" and takes the Rock Bottom that EVERYONE knew was coming.

Survivor Series 2011 6/10 Not a bad PPV, one that will be remembered for a long time due to the Rocks appearance.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, my reaction to each match mirrored yours. I don't remember the Women's match. When it came on, Chris asked me "Daddy, are you going to go check the score?" Referring to whenever a women's match came on, I would go and check on how the Orioles were doing... Too bad the season is over. Cena sucked as usual. So tired of him. Blehhhhhh.
